
体育用品商店概述英语 (体育用品商店 英语)

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体育用品商店概述英语 (体育用品商店 英语)摘要: 大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于体育用品商店概述英语的问题,于是小编就整理了5个相关介绍体育用品商店概述英语的解答,让我们一起看看吧。关于运动器材的英语?体育器...


体育用品商店概述英语 (体育用品商店 英语)
  1. 关于运动器材的英语?
  2. 体育器材的英语作文80词?
  3. 英语写一篇短文介绍自己内容包括生日,家庭喜欢的球类运动食物科目和为什么喜?
  4. w开头的球类英语单词?
  5. 体育赛事英语介绍?


运动器材 [yùn dòng qì cái]基本翻译sports apparatussports equipment网络释义运动器材:Sports equipment|Sporting equipment运动器材店:Sports shops综合运动器材类:Comprehensive sports equipment class


Sports goodsHello everyone,I'm very glad to help introduce the sports goods.The first is basketball,basketball is a very interesting people team competition.The second thing is football,football is a team cooperation can we succeed.The third thing is table tennis,the sport skills are very important.The fourth thing that is baseball,the game was very is a test of endurance and perseveranceWell,today is here,I hope everyone can like sports.Yuxi Fine Sunday

体育用品商店概述英语 (体育用品商店 英语)


你可以这样写Hello, my name is li hua, my telephone number is 156233893, like basketball and blue, like sweet and sour pork ribs and tomato scrambled eggs, birthday like to buy cake the whole family together


表示球类的英语单词有,Basketball,Football,Soccer,Volleyball,Baseball,Table tennis,Badminton,Ping pong,我们常用的常见的就是这些英语单词,意思分别是篮球足球台球棒球乒乓球羽毛球,根本就没有问题当中,w开头的单词表达球类的,所以这个问题本身是错误的

体育用品商店概述英语 (体育用品商店 英语)


           Pingpang  Match

China vs. Japan

Time:17:00 p.m., May 8

Place: The Province Stadium

Please contact the Sport  Commission.

Tickets are limited. Fans should be quick.

Commission of Physical Culture and Sports.

May 3, 2021



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